Research Postgraduate

M.Phil. and Ph.D. Thesis Titles

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)
SHANG Zheng 尚 正 A Critique of Alan Patten’s Neutrality as Equal Accommodation on the Necessity of Radicalizing Liberal Neutrality
ZHANG Daiding 張岱鼎 Governing Innovation in China: Institutions, Policies, and Outcomes
CHUNG Man Yiu 鍾文耀 Political Meritocracy and Relational Equality
CHEN Yajiao 陳雅姣 Government-led Collaborative Actions under China’s Environmental Authoritarianism: A Comparative Study of Two Lake Watersheds in Yunnan Province
FENG Yudi 馮雨地 Individuals in the Political: A Study on Hanna Pitkin’s Theory of Political Action
KWONG Chi Yu 鄺止儒 Utilizing Place Meanings and User Opinions as Mechanisms to Improve Visitor Management in Hong Kong’s Country Parks
CHEN Shangshang 陳上上 Impact Investing in the Era of Collaborative Governance: An Empirical Study on Four Cases in Hong Kong
YIP Wai Fung, Andy 葉偉峯 Party Institutionalization of Opposition Political Parties in Hong Kong as a Hybrid Regime
YUEN Ho Yin 袁浩然 Rawlsian Justice and Welfare-state Capitalism
CHAN Shuk Ying 陳淑瑩 Capitalism and the Good Life: a Critique of Liberal State Neutrality
TSE Lap Shing Samuel 謝立城 Volunteerism and Political Participation Among Youths: A Case Study in Hong Kong
WU Xuanxuan 吳萱萱 Explaining Rising Chinese Popular Nationalism in 2008: Perception Gap and National Images
EBERLE Meghan Lea Precarity and Social Mobilization among Migrant Workers from Myanmar in Thailand
CHAN Kwan Nok 陳君諾 Institutions, Policy Networks and Agenda Setting: The Rise of Heritage Conservation in Hong Kong, 1970-1997
MANG Fan Lun 孟繁麟 Reasonable Disagreement, State Neutrality and Perfectionism
GUO Jie 郭潔 Policy Coordination of Harbour Planning in Hong Kong
LAM Chi Yan 林緻茵 The Impact of Intra-party Democracy on the Level of Party Political Efficacy of Grass-roots Councilors: The Case of DAB and DP
ZHOU Guan Feng Nationalism and Japan's China policy: A Normative Study of Nationalism and Foregin Policy Making
LI Yu Wai 李裕維 Explaining Institutional Flexibility of the ASEAN Regional Forum: A Rationalist Frist-Cut
YEE Wai-Hang 余偉鏗 How Do Networks Work? Studying the Internal Dynamics of The Environmental Organizational Network in Hong Kong
WANG Liang 汪亮 Understanding Greenpeace Campaigns in China: Empowerment and Mobilization
LIU Ning 劉寧 Contracting-out Residential Care for the Elderly in Hong Kong
TSUI Wai Hang, Danny 崔偉恒 Civil Society in China: An Analysis of NGOs on the Mainland
TAM Yuk Lum 譚旭林 Contracting Out Estate Management Services in Hong Kong: Institutions and Collective Action
LAI Cheuk-bun 賴卓彬 Are Human Rights Possible in the Confucian 'Nowheresville'? A Philosophical Analysis
KONG Yuek Man, Josephine 江若雯 Marxist Critique of Capitalist Democracy: The Perspective of Rational Choice Marxism
CHEUNG Yat-fung 張逸峰 Modernization and Rural Politics in Hong Kong
WAN Kwok Fai 尹國輝 Beijing's United Front Policy Toward Hong Kong: An Application of Merilee Grindle's Model
SU Yingjun 蘇穎君 The Emerging Regulatory State in China: A Study of Shunde's Experience
AMATYA Pradyumna Institutional Change and Intervention Outcome: Comparing Assistance Schemes for Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems in Nepal
CHAN So Ngor, Jennifer 陳素娥 Designing Institutions for Inter-Agency Cooperation: A Study of Landslide Management in Hong Kong
CHEUNG Kin Chung 張健聰 The Politics of Decentralization and Re-centralization in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Dissolution of Municipal Councils
WANG Pan Yeung 王濱洋 The Role of the National People's Congress in Chinese Foreign Affairs in the Reform Era
CHAN Chi Ming, Victor 陳志明 Domestic Institutions and Japan's Foreign Economic Policy: The Japanese Economic Assistance to Southeast Asia, 1997-1999
KANAGBO, Kangoma Anthony The Role of the State and Multinational Corporations in Development: The Case of Malaysia
LEE Yiu Chung, Edward 李燿宗 The Sino-United States-Taiwan Triangular Relationship, 1988-1997
HO Ka Ki, Lawrence 何家騏 Implementation of China's Hong Kong Policy: A Study of the Drafting of Hong Kong Basic Law, 1985-90
LUNG Wing Cheung, Cecilia 龍詠翔 A Study of Taiwan-Hong Kong Relations: Policies, Processes and Challenges
WONG Cheuk Yin 王綽然 The Communist-Inspired Riots in Hong Kong, 1967: A Multi-Actors Approach
CHUI Po Ling Organising for the Provision of Public Housing in Hong Kong: An Institutional Analysis of Public Organisations and Policy Design
WAI Pong Wa Embedded Autonomy in the "East Asian Economic Miracle": The Case of Hong Kong with Special Reference to Banking, Textile and Garments, and Electronics Sectors
LAU Sze Fei, Sophia Government Professionals and Value Conflicts in the Civil Service: A Hong Kong Study
FOK Wai Lun A Study of Chinese Negotiating Behaviour in the Sino-British Negotiations over Hong Kong
CHOW Chiu Tak The Common good and the State: Explorations of Thomas Hill Green's Political Philosophy
Trond Inge Lovdal Norway's Relations with the Peoples Republic of China in a Bipolar World, 1949-1971
Ian Christopher Taylor The People's Republic of China's Anti-Hegemonic Posturing in the Post-Cultural Revolution era in southern Africa: "Repelling the tiger while chasing away the world"
NG Siu-ling, Giselle Accountability in Public Administration: The Case of Hong Kong
LAM Man On, Jack Exploitation and Luck in Capitalism: A Philosophical Analysis
NG Kwan Wan, Winston The Study of International Regimes: A Theoretical Discussion
SIN Wai Lam, William The Limits of Utilitarianism on Prerogatives and Constraints
SZE Kit-yu, Veronica Local Government and Policy Implementation: A Study of Economic and Technological Development Zones in Guangzhou & Tianjin
LUN Kit Ming, Kimmy The People's Republic of China (PRC) as a Nuclear Power in the Post-Cold War ERA: Strategic Intentions and Security Concerns
Stephanie Himango The American Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong): An Analysis of a Dual Purpose Business and Political Organization
LAM Pui Yee A Study of the Policy on Rehabilitation in Hong Kong from the Perspective of 'Equal Opportunities'
Kevin Ka-wing, May The Human Right to Welfare: A Philosophical Analysis
WAN Ho In, Eric A study of the political participation of Hong Kong's labour movement leadership in the transitional period
LEUNG Chi Yan The politics of economic leap forward and readjustment: a case study of economic policy making in China, 1977-1980
LEE Fung Ping China and Indochina: the politics of aid, 1950-78
YEP Kin Man, Ray The economists and the making of foreign trade policy in the Peoples Republic of China since 1984
LEE Wing Tim The unity of particular and universal ends: Rousseau & Hegel in comparison
TSE Tak Wah, Sebastian The buffer state and the buffer system with reference to Afghanistan 1881-1947
KAM Lee Kwok Ping, Vivien The literary profession and domestic politics in the People's Republic of China 1950-1980
LI Suk Ying, Tammy Philosophical problems of the concept of rational decision-making in public administration literature
Linda Benson National minority policy in the sinkiang-uighur autonomous region, 1949-1974

Doctor of Philosophy
HTET Zaw The Problem of Social Integration: A Case Study of Muslims in Transitional Myanmar
KWONG Ying Ho 鄺英豪 Politics of Assimilative Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Central-peripheral Relations in Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese Sovereignty
SONG Young, Annie 宋 英 Linking the Environment and Free Trade Agreements
WU Jie 吳 洁 Hospital on Fire: Politicized Medical Dispute Resolution in China
XIONG Cai 熊 彩 Revolution, Ideas and Violence in Policy Implementation: A Comparative Research on Birth Control Policy Implementation in Two Provinces in China
YUEN Wing Han, Vera 阮穎嫻 Social Policy Change in a Hybrid Regime – The Case of Retirement Protection in Hong Kong
HUANG Jie 黃 傑 Golden Youth: State, Market, and China’s Second-Generation Private Entrepreneurs
CHEN Hanyu 陳瀚諭 The Profit-Driven Welfare State in China: Public Housing in Two Prefecture-Level Districts
CHAN Sze Wan, Debby 陳詩韻 Signalling Effects of Social Movements in Asymmetric Bargaining: Myanmar and China, 2011-2016
LI Yiran 李亦然 A Long March for Survival: The internet, Social Media and Government Accountability in China
LEUNG Yi Man, Evans 梁㦤雯 Industrial Restructuring in China: An Institutional Analysis of State-Society Relations and its Policy Impacts
PREECHARUSH Dulyapak The Politics of Federalization in Myanmar: A Study of Causal Relationships, Negotiation Mechanism, and Historical Evolution
MENG Weizhan 孟維瞻 Explaining the Variations in the Grand Strategies of Imperial China: Material Capabilities, Confucian Culture and Interest Conflict
YAO Yanran 姚嫣然 The Accountability Dilemmas of INGOs in China
RESTREPO Juan Manuel Scaling up Social Innovation: The Case of Escuela Nueva in Colombia and BRAC Education Programme in Bangladesh
AUNG Su Mon Thazin Governing the Transition: Policy Coordination Mechanisms in the Myanmar Core Executive, 2011-2016
GORMAN Patrick Charles Lucien Weibo and the Outsourcing of Opinion Guidance
NIE Lin 聶 琳 Transparency of Foundations in China
QIU Qing 丘 晴 Innovation of Manufacturing Industries in the Pearl River Delta Region
LIU Kailin 劉凱琳 Exploring Lending Patterns for Information Asymmetry between Lenders and Borrowers in the Nonprofit and Forprofit Peer-to-peer Lending Platforms
XIN Ge 辛 格 Bootstrapping Public Participation in the Global South: Participatory Budgeting Reforms in Brazil, China and South Africa
PAO Sze Yi 包世一 Global Injustice, Collective Responsibility, and Individual Action
FAN Wenyue Phoebe 范文越 Growing Out of the Budget: The Political Economy of Sub-Provincial Finance in China
SCHLENZIG Nora Caroline Tschesja China and Its Neighbours in Mainland Southeast Asia: Statehood, Engagement and Development
WONG Hoi Lam Norma 王凱琳 The Management Strategies of Advocacy-oriented Social Service Nonprofit Organizations in Hong Kong
CHAN Wing Ching,Elton 陳永政 From Sage-kings to Confucian Republic: the political theories of jiaohua
LAI Cheuk Bun 賴卓彬 Democratic Means to Confucian Ends: A Philosophical Analysis of the Conceptual Relationship between Confucian Ethics and Democracy in the Theories of Xu Fuguan, Tang Junyi, and Mou Zongsan
DUPRE Jean-Francois The Politics of Linguistic Normalization in 21st century Taiwan: Ethnicity, National Identity, and the Party System
LAM Chi Yan 林緻茵 Constructing Hegemony: Patriotic United Front on the Youths in Post-handover Hong Kong
POON Ping Yeung 潘炳揚 Explaining Changes in Food Safety Institutions in Hong Kong
ZHOU Kai 周 凱 Contentious Challenges and State Capacity: Why Do Governments Respond Differently to Social Protests in Contemporary China?
ZHOU Qian 周 茜 Pathways to Collective Action: a Study of Local Irrigation Governance and Management in Central China
ZHU Jia Feng 朱佳峰 Farewell to Political Obligation: Toward a New Liberal Theory of Political Legitimacy
CHU Caixia 褚彩霞 Grassroots NGOs in China: A Study of the Legitimation Process
LI Wei 李薇 Structural Change and the Relationship between Politicians and Bureaucrats: The Case of Hong Kong
XIA Lu 夏璐 Politicized Academic Capitalism - The Chinese Communist Party's Sociopolitical Control Mechanisms over Intellectuals during the Reform Era
LUO Wenen 羅文恩 From Dependence to Autonomy? Institutional Change and the Evolution of Charitable GONGGOs in China
ZHANG Xian 張弦 Explaining Public-Private Partnerships in China: Case Study of Primary Land Development in Beijing
CHAU Feon Long Yee 周朗怡 Changing the Rules of the Game: An Examination of Citizen Participation in Hong Kong's Urban Renewal
CHEN Huirong 陳慧榮 State Power and Village Cadres in Contemporary China: The Case of Rural Land Tenure in Shandong Province
LI Ying 李穎 The Dynamics between the Local State, the Community, and Environmental NGOs in China: A State-in-Society Approach
MOK Ka Tung 莫家楝 Being Vulnerable and Being Responsible: The Moral Responsibility of the Participants in the Cultural Revolution of China
GUO Jia 果佳 Policy Learning and Policy Implementation in China: A Case Study of the Grain for Green Project
HAN Rui 韓銳 Luck Egalitarianism: Criticisms and Alternatives
LI Jing 李靜 Policy Coordination in China: The Case of Infections Disease and Food Safety policy
LIN Syaru Shirley 林夏如 National Identity, Economic Interest and Taiwan's Cross-Strait Economic Policy 1994-2009
ZHENG YiZheng 鄭一鄭 Coordination of A Distributive Policy: The Case of Infection Control in Hong Kong
HORIUCHI Toru Japan's China Policy: Koizumi as a 'Presidential' Prime Minister and the Foreign and Security Policymaking Process
LIN Tingjin 林挺進 Explaining the Intra-Provincial Inequality of Financing Compulsory Education in China: the Role of Finance Reform, Personnel Rules and Provincial Leaders, 1994-2001
CHAN H. K. Nikkiter 陳夏鈞 Explaining the Policy Dynamics of Administrative Reorganization in Hong Kong: An Institutional Analysis of Policy Stasis and Punctuation
GUILLOUX Alain Francois Jacques Humanitarianism in National and Global Governance: A study of Taiwan's Responses to Diseases and Disasters
Benson W. K. WONG Teacher Participation and Empowerment: The Case of Hong Kong and Taiwan
Terence Y.K. YUEN 阮耀啟 Government-Nonprofits Collaborations: A Study of Linking Arrangements in Third-Party Government
WANG Xiaoqi 王曉琦 China's Civil Service Reform and Local Government Performance: A Principal-Agent Perspective
Bryan C.S. HO 何秋祥 Legitimacy and Participation In Rural Post-Mao China : Cases From ANHUI
Rikkie L.K. AU 區麗潔 The Governance of Government-Owned Railway Organisations in Hong Kong: Integration and Autonomy in Changing Times
Francesch Huidobro, Maria Del Mar A "Disciplined Governance" Approach to Government-NGOs Relations: the Structures and Dynamics of Environmental Politics and Management in Singapore
Kaihe CHEN 陳開和 Nationalizing Society, Identity Politics, and Foreign Policy Strategies: Taiwan's Mainland Policy, 1988-2000
HOGAN, Mary Vivianne Sovereignty, State and Security After the Asian Financial Crisis: The Cases of Indonesia and South Korea
Christopher SKENE Democracy in the Era of Globalization: Explaining Authoritarian Practices in Asia and Latin America [Dr Skene was honoured the Best Dissertation Award (Ph.D. category) 2004-2005 by the Hong Kong Political Science Association]
Bruce K.K. KWONG 鄺錦鈞 Patron-Client Politics in Hong Kong
YU Wing Yat 余永逸 Democracy and Intra-Party Democratization: The Cases of Twiwan and Hong Kong
CHOU Kwok Ping, Bill 仇國平 Conflict and Ambiguity in the Implementation of Civil Service Reform in China, 1993-2000
LIAO Xuanli 廖宣力 Chinese Think Tanks and China's Policy on Japan
LAM Waiman 林蔚文 Rediscovering Politics in Hong Kong (1949-1979): The Paradox of Political Indifference

[Miss Lam was honoured the Best Dissertation Award (Ph.D. category) 2001-02 by the Hong Kong Political Science Association]
WAN Pengfei 萬鵬飛 An Institutional Analysis of Chinese Urban Local Governance: Case Studies of Urban Residential Committees
Mely CABALLERO-ANTHONY Regional Organizations and Regional Security: The Role of Regional organizations in Conflict Management - the Case of ASEAN
Peter Lovelock The Evolution of China's National Information Infrastructure (NII): A Policy-making Analysis
LEUNG Yin Hung State and Society: The Emergence and Marginalization of Political Parties in Hong Kong
Julian Garza China's Bilateral Relations with the United States as a Source of Political risk Associated with Foreign Portfolio Equity Investment in China
Trini Wing-yue Leung The Politics of Labour Rebellions in China,1989-1994
Raymond W.K. Lau The Socio-Political Impact of Economic Reforms and the Nature of the 1989 Mass Movement in Beijing
Teresa S. Encarnacion Non-Governmental Organization Approaches to Cooperative Development: Two Case Studies of the Philippine Experience
Johannes Richard Lombardo United States' Foreign Policy Towards the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong During the Early Cold War Period, 1945-1964
Kang Kwon, Myung Hee Economic Growth and Urban Poverty in Hong Kong and Seoul
YEUNG Law Koon Chui Intergroup Relationships and the Political Orientation of Chinese Youth
WONG Charm Li Government-Business Relations in Hong Kong, 1945-1993
LUI Kwok Man Construction and Testing of Causal Models in Voting Behaviour with Reference to Hong Kong
Gauld Robin D.C. Policy Processing in Theory and Practice: Health Reform in Hong Kong and New Zealand
Tubilewicz Czeslaw The Evolving Relations Between the People's Republic of China and East Central European: 'Strategic' Triangularism to 'Pragmatic' Bilateralism
CHAN Yuen Tak Fai, Dorothy A study of transport policy formulation in Hong Kong
Jose Oliveira de Barros Elites and democracy: the role of advisory committees in Hong Kong
LAM Tak Man, Jermain Nonalignment: the policy and the movement 1961-1986
H.J. Widdowson The influence of Islam on the formation of the foreign policy of Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia